Thursday, October 1, 2009


Graffiti in Melbourne
Great Ocean Road
12 Apostles (even though there are only 7 left)
Great Ocean Road
Great Ocean Road

Hey mates! Yet again I am sorry about my delay in this entry. Good news is due to the large amount of time that I have no written, i have quite a bit to say. Yesterday I just got back from Melbourne. Melbourne is one of the coolest cities I have ever been too. The city is basically composed of eclectic ally ways that are filled with small shops and cafes. There is graffiti everywhere but it is amazing looking. The city still runs on the tram sister so walking around the city it feels like you are under a metal wire fence. However, it is still pretty cool. On my first day there we went to services and in the middle of the day we went to the Dali exhibit. Dali's art work is amazing and I think this exhibit was one of the largest exhibits of his work ever. One of the coolest parts of the exhibit was a short film that Walt Disney and Dali made called Destino. It basically was a merging of a Disney movie and Dali's artwork. it was the coolest thing ever.
Then we went back to services and were invited to break fast at a family's house to break fast. It was really nice to be with a family even though I miss mine so so much. Also, I forgot to mention that Melbourne has the craziest weather. Many say that in Melbourne it feels like it can be 4 seasons in one day. And we completely felt that way. The weather was much colder and felt like fall. It would be raining one second and then the next it would be sunny and beautiful out.
The next day we did a tour of the Great Ocean Road which started at 8am. It was amazing. Basicaly, the Great Ocean Road is basically a road that is next to the ocean and amazingly beautiful. It is where the 12 apostles are located whichever beautiful. On the tour we also saw all of these koalas which were the cutest things ever (despite for the fact that they are quite vicious). We then went to a rain forest which had the second tallest trees in the world (second to the sequoia tree). They appeared to go forever into the sky. Then after that we saw a few more sites along the water and the tour ended. In one day it was probably some of the prettiest sites I have ever seen. There are pictures on the blog.

The next day I went on a tour of the Melbourne Cricket Ground. After the three hour tour, I managed to understand something of the sport of cricket (which is by far one of the most complicated sports ever). But i am going to try to explain it to you guys so that you can understand my confusion: There are two batters up at a time. One of the batters tries to hit the ball and the other one runs back and forth. The amount of times that the guy runs back and forth is equivalent to the number of runs in baseball. Then behind the batter there are things called spigets which are three poles, if the pitcher hits the spiget then they are out. Each team gets ten outs. There are only two innings in the whole game. Sometimes games can go on for five days and still end in a tie. There are i think ten or 11 people on the field for the outfield team at a time but i have no idea what they do. There are also other ways for players to get out but i also do not know how that happens either. Since cricket is on the tv basically every day and we only have four channels (so it is inevitable that I will be watching it), i will hopefully have more details to come about how the sport actually works.
For the rest of the day, we wondered around all the ally ways and cafes. It is just a fun city to wander around in. Then we flew home. The flight was only an hour and fifteen minutes but because it was a quantas airline, we were served dinner and drinks. Everything was free on the plane and just so much nicer- something you rarely seen with in the states anymore. Anyways, today I had classes but tomorrow I leave for a four day trip to Frasier Island. Frasier Island is an island up the coast where we are doing a tour of different beaches, rainforest, sand dunes, and ship wrecks. I can't wait. However, i wish we had a break before traveling again. I am going with three of my friends (megan, ashleigh, and nathalie). I am really excited but also concerned about how hot it is supposed to be this weekend. We are talking about sunny and in the high 90s (not to brag or anything). Anyways I miss you all so much and will write soon. I have to run to class so i have no time to proof this so please dont get mad or angry if it makes no sense. I just wanted to try to fill everyone in as much as possible.

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